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Textiles Design

Why do we study Textiles Design?


Meet the team

  • Mr Williams - Head of DT
  • Mrs Daniel - Teacher of KS3 and KS4 Textiles

Course: OCR Art and Design: Textiles Design

Exam weighting: 40% Examination 60% Coursework

Assessment: Student’s coursework and 10-hour practical exam are assessed at the end of Year 11; the work is externally moderated by OCR.

Coursework Content: For the coursework component students will begin with a series of workshops to develop skills and build confidence in working with a range of media. Our first project in Year 10 has an Alice in Wonderland theme.

Students are required to choose one or more area(s) of study:
• Constructed textiles
• Digital textiles
• Dyed fabrics
• Printed fabrics
• Fashion design
• Installed textiles
• Soft furnishings
• Stitched and/or embellished textiles

Work is not limited to one area of study.

One extended project will be created over the course of Year 10 and 11 in which students will develop their own ideas in response to a theme in a chosen media. Students are encouraged to work individually with their own ideas and selected media which reflect their skills. The exam is set by the exam board; students will create a project in response to the starting points given. Students will create a project over a period of four months. This will culminate in a 10-hour exam in which students create a final piece for their exam projects.

10-Hour Practical Exam: The OCR brief will give learners a choice of five themes, each with a choice of written and/or visual starting points or stimuli. From this paper, learners are expected to choose one option for which they will generate an appropriate personal response of one or more artefact(s)/product(s)/personal outcome(s) within a 10-hour supervised time period.

Learners will be expected to demonstrate skills as defined in the Art and Design Core Content section of this specification in the context of their chosen areas of art, craft and design. In addition, learners will be required to demonstrate skills relevant to two or more of their chosen specification titles in the following:

• develop their ideas through investigations informed by selecting and critically analysing sources.
• apply an understanding of relevant art, craft and design practices in the creative and cultural industries to their work.
• refine their art, craft and design ideas as work progresses through recording, researching, selecting, editing and presenting artefact(s)/product(s)/personal outcome(s).
• record their ideas, observations, insights and independent judgements, in ways that are appropriate to the Art, Craft and Design title, such as recording through drawing and creating images with mixed media.
• use appropriate specialist vocabulary through either visual communication or written annotation, or both, appropriate to art, craft and design.
• use visual language critically as appropriate to their own creative intentions and chosen titles and area(s) of study.
• realise personal intentions in Art, Craft and Design, through the sustained application of art, craft and design processes.


All specialist materials are provided.

We would love students to have drawing pencils, watercolours or other relevant supplies/stationary specific to their own tastes/styles of presentation if possible but we can provide these if not.


At key stage 3 students are set 2 extended pieces of homework per term. One with a creative focus and the second with a research focus.

At GCSE students are set homework tasks to complete weekly. As students work individually, students are directed to set homework tasks on an individual basis.

Google classroom is used to set homework.

Enrichment Opportunities in Textiles Design

As this is a new specification, we will be looking into arranging inspiring workshops and visits to support students' awareness of creative careers.

What are the benefits of studying this course now and for the future?

· Developing individuality, creativity and imagination for a working world that is ever changing