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Part of castle school education trust

"Castle School Education Trust is committed to high quality education across the primary, secondary and sixth form key stages. Our schools cover the South Gloucestershire area. We encourage independence within each school within a strong framework of values."

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Mangotsfield Secondary

  • Year 10 Parents Evening - Thursday 13th February 4pm - 7pm - Please book via Website...........Year 8 HPV's Vaccinations - Wednesday 26th February - Please complete your consent form.

Ready to learn

At Mangotsfield School we have a behaviour for learning system called Ready to Learn. Every student at the school has the right to an education that is not disrupted by the behaviour of others.

As a school community we feel it is important to allow the students to remain focused, to take responsibility for their own actions, but also to allow staff to deliver engaging and creative lessons. 

Students then can show they are ready to learn;

  • By being engaged and on task;
  • Allowing others to learn;
  • Always following instructions;
  • Treating our community with respect;

If a student fails to meet any of these expectations, then a warning will be given by a member of staff. This will be clear, and will tell the student what it is for. If the student chooses to continue with the disruptive behaviour then they will be removed from the lesson and will spend an allocated period of time in the Ready to Learn room. They will be provided with work to complete and parents and carers will be informed. At the end of the school day, any students whom have been sent to the Ready to Learn room will be required to attend an afterschool detention ending at 4pm. This detention is mandatory as part of the Ready to Learn process.

If a student fails to attend the afterschool detention, they will be required to attend a full school day in the Ready to Learn room the following school day, and attend an additional afterschool detention ending at 4pm. 

If at any point a student's behaviour is disruptive in Ready to Learn, we will use our clear warning system. After two clear warnings, we will contact the parents/carers. Should disruptive behaviour continue, the student will either be sent to another school for a full day in isolation or be subject to a fixed-term exclusion.

On their return to school, the student will have to attend a reintegration meeting with their parent/carers present. Any outstanding time not yet completed in the Ready to Learn room will then need to be completed before the student can return to lessons.  

Our Inclusion Team and Behaviour Team will take into account any students who may have educational needs.