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"Castle School Education Trust is committed to high quality education across the primary, secondary and sixth form key stages. Our schools cover the South Gloucestershire area. We encourage independence within each school within a strong framework of values."

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Mangotsfield Secondary

  • Year 10 Parents Evening - Thursday 13th February 4pm - 7pm - Please book via Website...........Year 8 HPV's Vaccinations - Wednesday 26th February - Please complete your consent form.

Special Educational Needs and Disability

A special educational need is defined as ‘a learning difficulty or disability that makes learning a challenge for a child’. Children with SEND have greater difficulty learning than other children of the same age.

Mangotsfield School aims to ensure that appropriate provision is available to enable every student to have equal access to curriculum opportunities and to ensure that the curriculum is accessible to every individual learning need.

The SEND team at Mangotsfield School has been developed so that it meets all the needs of our students. SEND is divided into different hubs, each lead by a HLTA hub lead:

  • The Oak Hub
  • The Rowan Hub
  • The Willow Hub

We also have identified members of the team supporting students with an Educational, Health and Care Plan and those with physical and/or sensory difficulties.

The hubs work closely with their mainstream colleagues to offer supplementary support to the regular curriculum, or work with identified students who need specific intervention for a fixed period of time. Targeted intervention programmes include for example zones of regulation, Talkabout and using the DNA-V model. the SENCO liaise with other professionals such as other Educational Psychologist and speech and language therapists.

At Mangotsfield we support some students in groups where the curriculum and teaching strategies have been specially adapted to meet their needs. These classes are often supported by additional staff members and offer consistent teaching by a team of highly trained and experienced teachers who know the students, and their learning needs well. Working collaboratively, we ensure all students raise their attainment, literacy skills and enhance their social skills and understanding of the wider world.

At Mangotsfield School we have a comprehensive network of support available to ensure that every child with special educational needs reaches their full potential.

Our SEND Team

  • SEND Lead - Ms Merchant 
  • Assistant SEND Lead - Mrs Coates (Maternity Leave until Jan 2025)
  • SEND Administrator - Ms Neale
  • SEND Oak Hub Lead - Ms Blythe and Ms Trowbridge
  • SEND Rowan Hub Lead - Ms Darbyshire
  • SEND Willow Hub Lead - Mrs Smith 
  • Education Support Assistants - Permanent members of staff

Special Educational Needs - Mangotsfield Offer

Mangotsfield School tracks all students identified as having additional needs and monitors the impact of interventions. This includes students who have medical needs, learning needs, disabilities, looked after children, young carers, behavioural and emotional issues which impact on learning and children in need. Students with a statement or Education, Health and Care Plan and those as identified as SEN support are included on our Inclusion Register.

The document below provides further information which shows the provision of support we offer students with Special Educational Needs and Disability at Mangotsfield School.


 Our SEND School Information Report is available here