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Mangotsfield Secondary

  • Year 10 Parents Evening - Thursday 13th February 4pm - 7pm - Please book via Website...........Year 8 HPV's Vaccinations - Wednesday 26th February - Please complete your consent form.


Please click here for Monkhouse contact details and our Uniform Brochure .

To view information from our uniform supplier, Monkhouse, please click here 

Mangotsfield School Uniform:

  • Establishes a sense of community and identity both in and out of school
  • Maintains a purposeful ethos
  • Encourages good self-discipline
  • Promotes equality in terms of appearance

Mangotsfield  School Blazer: A minimum of a blazer or school branded V neck  jumper must be worn in and around school.

Mangotsfield School House Tie: Ties must be worn properly and traditionally at all times to the waist.

Full Length, Plain Grey  or Black Tailored School Trousers or Mangotsfield School Skirt: Students wearing skirts must wear black tights (40+ denier). Skirts must not be rolled up. Trousers must be grey or black and cover the ankle. Styles such as carrot, tapered, seven/eighths are not permitted. Styles that are not permitted are jeans, chinos, cords, skinny, stretchy fabric, flares, ‘Miss Sixty' style or zip pockets.  Leggings are not permitted on school uniform days. This list is not exhaustive. 

White, Button-up, Full Collared Shirt: Shirts can be short or long sleeved and should have buttons to the neck for tie wearing. All shirts must be tucked in at all times. The top button must be done up on shirts, and the tie done up to cover the fastened top button.

Plain Black Footwear: Black polishable leather or leather-look shoe or black polishable leather trainers such as Nike Air with no bubbles are allowed.  No canvas shoes or Crocs are permitted.

PE Uniform: This is only worn on days when students have a PE lesson.                                                                                                    Only plain black or blue tracksuit bottoms, sports leggings or shorts are allowed.  Only the school PE top is permitted. Only the school PE hoddie is permitted.

Outdoor Coats: Outdoor coats may be worn when the weather warrants, but should not be worn instead of a blazer or the school jumper.  If a coat is worn, it should be plain and smart (offensive logos are not allowed). Denim and leather coats should not be worn.

Hoodies are not permitted as outdoor coats. Hoodies and non school jumpers and sweatshirts are banned from school and must be removed before entering the school gate. Hoodies and sweatshirts acting as coats will be confiscated and taken to visitor reception for students to collect at the end of the school day. If a student repeatedly wears a hoody, this will be confiscated until the end of term and will need to be collected by the parent/carer.

Plain School Bag (large enough to hold an A4 folder) and Pencil Case: Plain school bag and pencil case, containing pens, pencils, eraser, ruler and a calculator, with no offensive logos. 

Optional and preferred

Plain Black Belt: If wearing a belt it must be black leather or leather-look belt with a buckle that has no logo on, and no studs. We recommend wearing a belt to help shirts stay tucked in.

Black Socks: Preferably, when wearing trousers, socks should be black and plain. Trainer socks are not allowed

On all of these aspects, the School’s decision is final. As fashions change we reserve the right to update our uniform policies as and when required.

Questions or seeking financial support and help

Examples of acceptable footwear and trousers/skirts can be viewed in our uniform brochure. These lists are not exhaustive and are intended to provide guidance only. Other items are available which adhere to the uniform policy. If you are unsure on any aspect of uniform or require support with financial help please e-mail your child’s Head of  House for clarification before purchasing.

Uniform - Hairstyles, Jewellery and Make-Up

  • Extreme hairstyles and brightly coloured dyed hair are not permitted.
  • Whilst on school grounds, hats, caps and scarves should not be worn unless for religious/medical reasons.
  • Students may only wear a maximum of one small stud earring in each ear and a watch. 
  • Nose studs must not be visible - this is under review.
  • No other facial piercings are allowed. 
  • We strongly recommend no jewellery to be brought into school, and as a school we take no responsibility for loss/damage/theft.
  • Discreet make-up is allowed.
  • Any nail polish should be clear only and the length of nails should be short. False or acrylic nails are not permitted.

Uniform and equipment will be checked daily during the mentor period, using a range of consistent procedures by the staff of the school. Wearing the correct uniform and wearing the uniform correctly are choices made by the student. Where there are financial pressures the school wants to support, please email your child's Head of House.

The vast majority of our students wear our uniform with pride. Students who choose not to adhere to the Mangotsfield School uniform policy will receive the following sanctions.

If a student arrives at school wearing incorrect uniform, we may contact parents/carers to bring in the correct uniform. Sanctions will be applied to students choosing to wear the uniform incorrectly or failing to wear the correct uniform. At Mangotsfield School we will try and offer a uniform solution from our own limited stock of new and donated items. Students refusing this option will also receive a sanction. Staff will not negotiate with students. Correct uniform must be worn. The decision by staff is final.