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Part of castle school education trust

"Castle School Education Trust is committed to high quality education across the primary, secondary and sixth form key stages. Our schools cover the South Gloucestershire area. We encourage independence within each school within a strong framework of values."

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Mangotsfield Secondary

  • Year 10 Parents Evening - Thursday 13th February 4pm - 7pm - Please book via Website...........Year 8 HPV's Vaccinations - Wednesday 26th February - Please complete your consent form.

Community Council

CSET/Community Councillors                           


Mark Jackson (Chair) 

Term of office:  01.09.24 - 31.08.26


Rachel Gething

Term of office:  01.09.2022 - 31.08.2026


Clare Morton

Term of office:  27.11.2023 - 26.11.2027


Suzanne Lloyd

Term of office:  07.12.2023 - 06.12.2027


Sian Morgan

Term of office:  07.12.2023 - 06.12.2027


Sharon Williams 

Term of office:  20.09.2024 - 19.09.2028



Mrs Hetty Blackmore                                                             

Term of office:  20.01.20 –                                                  


Mark Jackson (Chair of the Governing Body) can be contacted via:

Mangotsfield School

Rodway Hill



BS16 9LH