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"Castle School Education Trust is committed to high quality education across the primary, secondary and sixth form key stages. Our schools cover the South Gloucestershire area. We encourage independence within each school within a strong framework of values."

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Mangotsfield Secondary

  • Year 10 Parents Evening - Thursday 13th February 4pm - 7pm - Please book via Website...........Year 8 HPV's Vaccinations - Wednesday 26th February - Please complete your consent form.


Why do we study Drama?

Our KS3 Drama Curriculum as two overriding aims: 

  • to give students the essential skills needed to thrive in their personal and professional lives
  • to lay the foundations for the rigour and high levels of literacy needed for the GCSE Drama curriculum

In KS3 Drama, students will engage with and develop their own creative capacity whilst embedding an appreciation of a wide range of theatrical styles, genres, historical contexts and cultures. As such, they will use drama to explore and develop their understanding of themselves and their part in the wider community.

We encourage students to step outside of their comfort zone and embrace such challenges as performing in front of their peers and experimenting with challenging ideas and concepts.

An essential part of engaging with their own creativity will be meaningful reflection on and review of their own work and that of others. In KS3, Drama students will begin to develop the essential vocabulary and written communication skills needed for moving on to GCSE Drama.

Our KS4 Drama Curriculum builds on the foundations created in KS3. 

Students will develop a greater level of independence in their practical devising work and further their skills of collaboration and cooperation with their peers.

In KS4, Drama students will undertake rigorous and in-depth study into Drama and the wider theatre arts. They will learn how to select and apply a range of theatrical skills in their own performance and appreciate the use of these same skills in the performances of others. Through their study of GCSE Drama, students will develop sophisticated skills in written and verbal communication. This will enable them to communicate their ideas clearly and confidently in their assessed drama work and also set them up with the best chance to achieve success in their future lives and careers.

Meet the team

  • Ms Garner - Head of Drama
  • Mr Taylor - Teacher of Drama
  • Ms Gentry - Teacher of Drama

KS3 Programme of Study

Year 7 - Community

Terms 1&2 - The History of Theatre

Terms 3&4 - The Culture of Storytelling

Terms 5&6 - Blue Remembered Hills


Year 8 - Love of Learning

Terms 1&2 - Spy School (from Melodrama to Stanislavski)

Terms 3&4 - Comedy

Terms 5&6 - Theatre in Education


Year 9 - Respect

Terms 1&2 - Teen Issues - Alcohol and Drugs

Terms 3&4 - Drama Therapy

Terms 5&6 - The Riots

Course:  AQA GCSE Drama

Weighting: 40% final written exam, 60% coursework (both written and practical)


Component 1: Understanding Drama - Written examination in Y11 (40%)

Component 2: Devised Drama - Creation of original devised drama performance (10%) alongside extended written devising log (30%) - completed in Year 10. Assessed by teacher and moderated by the examination board.

Component 3: Texts in Practice - performance of 2 extracts from a published play script. Assessed by a visiting examiner in Year 11 (20%)

GCSE Programme of Study

Year 10 GCSE Drama

Term 1 - Stage to Screen

Term 2&3 - Noughts and Crosses (GCSE Set Text for Component 1)

Term 4&5 - Devised Drama - (Component 2 official coursework)

Term 5 - Revision of Set Text


Year 11 GCSE Drama

Term 1 - Evaluation of Live Theatre

Term 2 - Scripted performance

Term 3&4 - Noughts and Crosses and Live Theatre Evaluation

Term 5 - Exam technique


Revision Guide: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Noughts-Crosses-Play-Guide-Drama/dp/191282051X (RRP £13.99 but select “used” copy for £8.39) NB - This revision guide covers all three sections of the written exam, not just the Noughts and Crosses section.


KS3 Drama Homework is set twice a term. Tasks focus on:

  1. General literacy needed for drama overall
  2. Revision of knowledge and understanding specific to the current unit


KS4 Drama Homework is set weekly. Tasks include:

  1. Research pertaining to coursework
  2. Revision of knowledge and understanding specific to GCSE components
  3. Rehearsal of performance work
  4. Exam practice

Enrichment Opportunities

Trips, extra curricular clubs, cultural capital opportunities.

Trips and workshops are subject to what is available each year but plans are for:

Year 7: Backstage tour

Year 8: Theatre trip

Year 9: Stage Combat Workshop

Year 10&11: Workshop and theatre visit


Year 7&8 - Drama Club 

Year 9&10 - Drama Exemplar Group

School Productions:

We are performing 'Matilda' In February 2024 - Dates are: Monday 5th February - Saturday 10th February 2024.