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Mangotsfield Secondary

  • Year 10 Parents Evening - Thursday 13th February 4pm - 7pm - Please book via Website...........Year 8 HPV's Vaccinations - Wednesday 26th February - Please complete your consent form.


Why do we study Dance?

At Mangotsfield we aim to engage and challenge students throughout their time. We believe that through developing students’ confidence in performance, working as a team and giving opportunities for creative exploration, we can prepare them for the adult world. The main focus of teaching and learning is to encourage the free use of creativity and imagination, through exploration of movement and expression. Students will explore dance through looking at and reproducing influential and groundbreaking dance pieces whilst refining their own skills in movement and choreography. As their skills develop so too does their knowledge of the performing arts industry as we prepare students who are wanting to work in this field. They will also have the opportunity to investigate the technical roles within the industry and approach theatre/dance from this point of view.
We believe in excellence and inclusion at all levels, recognising that students thrive in a supportive and cohesive environment.

Our Dance curriculum will give students the opportunity to:
• develop creativity through understanding the benefits of participation in the arts, performance and creativity during their school journey.
• explore social issues though dance to develop tolerance and understanding.
• be exposed to different peoples’ perspectives and emotions on issues and events.
• be exposed to and use subject specific vocabulary effectively.
• study the history and influence of different practitioners on dance.
• develop an ability to evaluate their own and others’ work.

Meet the team

  • Ms Vincent - Teacher of Dance/Year 11 Post Covid Recovery

Course: BTEC Tech Performing Arts (Dance)

Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Performing Arts

3 Components:

  1. Exploring the performing arts - Assessed internally 30%
  2. Developing skills and techniques in the Performing Arts - Assessed internally 30%
  3. Responding to a brief - Assessed externally 40% 

GCSE Programme of Study

Year 10 - Students will start exploring the performing arts component. They will look at Young men performed by Ballet Boys, Chicago by Bob Fosse and Counting stars by Kyle Hanagami. In conjunction with this they do the exploration of component 2 and look at the replication of professional works for example ‘All that Jazz’.

Year 11 - Component 2 - Students will complete component 2, including the assessed performance. 

From January onwards students will prepare for Component 3, where they will need to respond to a brief set by Pearson. 


YouTube - 



Ballet Boys - https://www.moovbank.com/about


Students will be asked to carry out research on specific dances, choreographers and styles of Dance.

Students will be able to work on preparing for their coursework.

Enrichment Opportunities

Students as part of the programme will undertake a series of workshops where we have external providers come into school and teach different styles of Dance.

Students will also take part in a number of performances and showcases that will help them prepare for their final piece, including performing to the potential Year 7s at Open Evening.